Huawei has already confirmed to launch its new flip folding device in the market of China next week and the device is called the Huawei Nova Flip. We already came across the design language and other important details of the device and today the phone appears on the popular benchmarking platform Geekbench with the important specification details. So without making any further delay let’s get into the article to check out the new piece of information.
According to the benchmarking platform, the upcoming Huawei Nova Flip phone will come with the power of the Kirin 800 mobile processor at its heart. It is worth mentioning that this particular processor is self developed by Huawei.
The benchmarking platform has also confirmed that the device will be housing 12GB of RAM on the board. It is interesting to know that the device is running on Android 12 on the benchmarking platform but we know that the company will be launching the device in the market with its self developed Harmony OS out of the box.
So let’s wait for the launch of the upcoming Huawei folding phone and you guys are recommended to stick with us for more updates from the world of technology.
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