More people in the audio industry are turning to home recording as opposed to professional recording studios as a means to record their sound. This used to be true of only up-and-comers, Indie bands, hobbyists, singer-songwriters, and podcasters. Now more top-name artists are climbing on board. With professional recording studios taking a hit from home studios popping up, professional engineers are moving home to cater to the lower-budget clients’ needs.
Record sales aren’t at the highest these days and commercial studios are hefty in price. Those in the industry are finding it much more lucrative to purchase equipment and build studios in the privacy of their homes. With the costs of professional audio gear decreasing steadily throughout recent years and how-to techniques on recording readily available on the internet such as Wiki Audio, people are going back to how things were in the heydays…working out of garages or basements.
Setting Up a Home Studio
Despite working in one of the rooms from your home, you need the space to be set up professionally and you need to be able to record properly. With the advances that have been made in digital technology, home recording has become both convenient and affordable for even the beginning artist. With the project studio designed appropriately, you can create any time that you choose with high-quality results. But where do you begin? If you’re an artist just starting, you’ll find valuable.
Choosing The Ideal Room
The perfect space is going to need to be large to have room for all of the instruments, the sound equipment, artists, engineers, everything necessary to assist in the project. The room needs to be in a spot where there is no noise to disrupt the work. When noise is heard through a microphone it is magnified times 100. You have to take into consideration everything inclusive of weather, neighbors, cars, birds, the wind, even the plumbing, every sound imaginable, and avoid rooms that are subject to those distractions.
It should be taken into consideration that the noise that you will be making will be a source of nuisance for those around you. It may be necessary to do some soundproofing to keep the peace for everyone and to make an ideal work environment for yourself.
A tiny room that offers a low ceiling complete with parallel walls that are made of drywall will not suit acoustics for a home studio. Ideally, a large room fitted with asymmetrical walls, loads of irregular surfaces, and higher ceilings would be. This is difficult to find in a typical residential home, so you’ll need to settle for the most comparable option. Acoustic treatment can always be added later.
Hardwoods, tile, or concrete are great options for this type of room. Choosing a room on the lower level is a good idea due to the amount of foot traffic that will be moving around.
Organize The Work Area
The desk that you choose is going to be the central workstation of the entire room. You need to be sure to choose one that looks as professional as possible along with a chair that is going to provide comfort for long work sessions.
Acoustic Treatments
Acoustic treatments will assist in controlling sound reflections within the room allowing the creation of better performances. There should be bass traps that will absorb the lower frequency. The remaining frequencies will be scattered with diffusers. Mid and high frequencies are absorbed using acoustic panels. You can get packages including these elements.
Find The Best Home Studio Computer
Your computer is going to be the ultimate brains and brawn of the entire operation. You need one that is going to be able to keep up with business demands. A desktop computer is going to prove to be much more powerful, offer optimal storage, and provide the speed that a laptop can’t. They are also less likely to fail and will last longer.
Consider the computer’s CPU when purchasing. The higher the speed of the clock, the faster the CPU which means it can accommodate larger sessions. The ultimate choice will be one with a CPU offering multiple cores allowing you to multitask effectively. More RAM is going to also make the computer operate faster.
The computer port is a factor to be considered as well. If you use a MIDI keyboard along with several accessories, the computer needs to have enough ports to accommodate. The audio interface connects via USB .meaning there will need to be a port for that as well. -Before the audio signal from your microphone or instrument reaches the computer as a digital signal, it all passes through the interfaces which makes the signal type conversion. One of the recommended starter interfaces in the market today is the Behringer U Phoria UM2
Recorded audio takes a lot of space making storage crucial. It is possible to purchase an external hard drive if you fill-up the existing one.
Digital audio workstation or DAW is what you will use to playback sound, manipulate it, and record it within the computer. Read here for a complete explanation on how DAW works. With the right DAW, you will achieve the best performance. All DAWs sound similar. The real difference is the workflow. When you are trying to choose, download several trial alternatives and explore the different choices. There will be some that do things more effectively than the others.
If you work with others, see what they’re using because you will want the same software. Also, avoid any unnecessary plugins particularly if you’re a novice. The stock tools are okay until you are familiar and then you can add on.
Set Up in Phases
You don’t need to buy everything all at once and have it set up in a day. Build it as you go which will allow you to learn about all of the different pieces of equipment that might be better suited to a home studio. Each workspace is going to be unique to that particular person and the gear that goes into it is going to need to be specific to those requirements for it to be functional and comfortable. Buying gradually enables you to make more educated decisions each time you invest.
The gear doesn’t need to be the most elaborate or expensive on the market. Start small and customize. There is always time to build up and improve as you go. This process can be overwhelming. You don’t want to put too much pressure on yourself. The idea is to enjoy the freedom of being able to do your creating in the privacy of your own home.
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