The Chinese electronics giant Xiaomi dominates in several markets across the globe and the company also expands its portfolio on regular basis with the devices in different price segments. Today we got a new piece of information which confirms that the company has touched a new milestone and defeated a brand which is very popular and claims to have the best loyal fans. So without making any further delay let’s dive into the article to check out the latest milestone of the Chinese electronics giant Xiaomi.
According to Canalys Research, the Chinese electronics giant Xiaomi is now the second largest Smartphone company in the world and the Chinese brand has defeated Apple to reach the second position.
It is also said that Xiaomi saw a massive 83 percentage of jump in the shipment and this is happening for the first time for the Chinese brand when it comes to smartphone shipments. The first position is still dominated by the South Korean electronics giant Samsung.
Now it is interesting to see how long Xiaomi can able to hold the second largest Smartphone company position and we are looking forward for its new movements and strategies in the electronics world.
We would like to know your thoughts on the new position of the Chinese company in the comments section below and stay tuned with us for more interesting information from the technological world at your fingertips.
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