Generally, MSPs specialize in managing IT services. They are technically sound but at times struggle with the sales and marketing aspects of a business. Without marketing your product, your business is bound to fail. For this reason, having an MSP that deals with sale operations are very important.
MSP or managed service provider helps to manage your IT services. To speed up your company’s growth, the MSP must include another approach. This is called the MSP sales strategy. The main aim of this strategy is to create a new business or service for a company and attract prospective customers to it.
An effective MSP sale strategy can boost your company’s development and attract new leads. But how can it do this? This article will serve as a comprehensive guide by discussing some effective MSP sales tactics that work and the dos and don’ts of an effective MSP sales strategy.
Some Effective MSP Sales Tactics That Work
The following are some tips that work:
Build a Sales Expert Team
This can work in two different ways. You would either hire new employees that have experience in sales and marketing or you train your current team. While the former might seem to be a good option, the truth is that not all companies can afford to hire new workers that specialize in sales. The latter option is the better option. Make sure that you choose a reputable managed services provider solution that can train your current team on how to sell like experts.
Choose and Train Your Staff
Not everyone in your team will transit into sales. If you want your IT business to grow, it is necessary for you to identify the workers that showed an affinity for sales and let them focus on their training. There are certain qualities to look out for when making this Identification.
A salesperson is self-confident and wants to learn new things. He or she needs to understand the vital aspect of the technologies that your business sells. Training this individual is very necessary. The MSP sales solution company you choose for this service must use the right tools and tactics to teach your staff how to talk to prospects and customers. For some effective tactics that can work, check here:
A Working Process
The company you choose must have a working MSP sales process that suits your business needs. Even when companies offer the same technological products, they would still have different needs. Whatever the needs may be, the working process must be able to attract prospects and turn them into customers.
The steps in a working process include the following:
Initial Contact
The first step is to get important information about what the business’s specific needs are.
Technical Presentation
In this step, there will be a formal demonstration of the product or technology that is to be sold.
This is the last step in the working process. Closing a product deal involves conducting price negotiations and reaching an agreement with customers.
Lead Generation
This tactic includes carrying out research on potential customers, inbound marketing methods like social media and blogging, and attending networking events. References are also vital means of generating leads. These can come from your trusted clients or the MSP solution company you choose. If your business proves to the service providers that your products are of good quality, they might likely recommend potential customers to you.
Also, when a lead is generated, a member from your sales team can make initial contact with the prospect. Then, a technical presentation will be scheduled and finally, the deal is closed.
Keep Record of Your MSP Sales Progress
It is not all your leads that will turn into customers. Some might not be a good match for your product or services. Others might be prospective customers but might hesitate in reaching out to your IT Company. In this case, your team must ensure to keep track of all leads and check on them later. A commonly used tool for this is CRM software. If you would like to know how to use this, read this article.
Dos and Don’ts of an Effective MSP Sale Approach
Here are some dos and don’ts to keep in mind:
Never Make Hasty Decisions
Always ensure that your team follows a working process. Do not provide a quote during the initial contact. Instead, schedule several meetings to build trust in the customer. The meetings must be conversational and be open to your customers’ need. If you choose an MSP solution to do all the work for you, make sure the one you hire doesn’t make a hasty decision for your company. It must consider the preferences of your prospective clients when offering a product.
Schedule Face-to-face Sessions With Customers
Set up physical meetings with your prospects. This way, your team can understand the prospects better by looking at their facial expressions and body language.
Carryout In-depth Evaluation
The MSP must carry out an in-depth evaluation of your prospects. It would do this by asking specific questions that help to determine the needs of the prospective client. This evaluation will also show the prospect that you care for their unique preferences.
In conclusion, ensure that you create a pitch that is based on the prospect’s unique needs. By listening to the leads, understanding what they need, and showing commitment to developing a relationship with them, your MSP team will build a successful business partnership with customers. Whether you choose to train your existing MSP team or you hire a company for the service, the above-mentioned tactics must be followed for an effective sales strategy.