OnePlus Nord 20 SE smartphone was unveiled globally in August this year and now the device is listed on popular shopping platforms in India like Amazon and Flipkart. Both shopping platforms listed the OnePlus Nord 20 SE with different pricing and it is worth mentioning that there is no official confirmation on the launching of the device in the country.
Amazon has listed the OnePlus Nord 20 SE with 4 GB of RAM and 64 GB of storage is listed for ₹14,588. On the other hand, Flipkart has listed the device with 4 GB RAM + 64 GB storage at ₹14,799.
We recommend you to don’t purchase the device because there is no official confirmation on the same and if you want an affordable device then you can check the Oppo A77 4G, which is nothing but the same phone with different branding.
So let’s wait for the official launching of the device and we recommend you to stay tuned with us for the latest updates at your fingertips.
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