After launching the Realme 13 Pro models in the market of India, now the Chinese brand has confirmed to launch the regular models of the smartphone series in the country. Realme has confirmed to launch the Realme 13 and Realme 13 Plus models in India and a dedicated page for both devices is now live.
When we scroll down the page, we can see that the company has mentioned about the Dimensity 7200 mobile processor. It is worth mentioning that the Geekbench listing revealed that the upcoming Realme 13 Plus will come with the Dimensity 7300. So the landing page of the brand is mentioning about the vanilla variant called the Realme 13.
We don’t have any information about the launch date of the devices for the market of India at the moment of time but we are looking forward to learn more details in the coming days and you guys are recommended to stick with us for more updates from the world of technology.
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