After launching Microsoft Surface Laptop 5, the company has introduced to get another hardware product dubbed Microsoft Surface Studio 2+, and the device is coming after a long four years of gap as its predecessor was announced in the year of 2018. The newly announced device is coming with Core i7-11370H, which is a quad-core 35W chip and the same features an Nvidia GeForce RTX 3060 GPU. So let’s dive into the article to check out the complete details.
The newly announced Microsoft Surface Studio 2+ features almost the same design as 2018’s model. What is the latest version is powered by a quad-core 35W Intel Core i7-11370H chip, along with an Nvidia GeForce RTX 3060 GPU.
It is coming with the same display as its predecessor. The device is featuring the same 28-inch PixelSense display along with 4,500 x 3,000 pixels resolution and a 60 Hz refresh rate.
Microsoft Surface Studio 2+ is also coming with 32 GB of DDR4 RAM and 1 TB of storage. The device is also featuring a 3.5 mm headphone jack, a Gigabit Ethernet, two USB 3.1 Type-A, and three USB Type-C (USB 4.0Thunderbolt 4) ports.
Regarding the pricing and availability, the Microsoft Surface Studio 2+ is having a price tag of $4,499.99 and the same will be available from October 25.
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