Realme has introduced the new Realme Watch S2 smartwatch in the market of India with the popular health related features along with 14 days of battery life and more. So without making any further delay let’s get into the article to check out the full details.
Everything about Realme Watch S2
The latest Realme Watch S2 features an AI Personal Assistant and the device comes with a Super AI Engine integrated into GPT 3.5. It has a 1.43-inch AMOLED display with 150+ watch faces and the AOD functionality. The latest Realme Watch S2 also features a stainless textured body.
Realme has also introduced the Realme Watch S2 with popular health related features including heart rate, blood oxygen, and 24 hours of sleep. It can offer up to 14 days of battery life and the device can provide up to 38 days of standby mode. The device also features an IP68 rating and it comes with the support of Bluetooth Calling.
The device has a price tag of Rs 4999 and it will be available from August 5th via the official channels and Flipkart in India.
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