Just yesterday, we reported that the developers of WhatsApp are working on a new audio chat feature and the same was spotted on the Android platform. Now another new feature of the instant messaging application has been supported and the same is testing on the iOS operating system.
It is reported that the developers of WhatsApp are currently testing a new feature dubbed the short video messages on the iOS app of WhatsApp. It will enable users to send 60 seconds of video.
You need to press and hold the video record button to record and send a short video message to your loved one. The feature is not available in the latest beta version of WhatsApp on the iOS platform and it seems to be in the development stage.
The upcoming feature is similar to the Telegram video notes and the same feature is already available on Instagram direct message section as well.
So what are your thoughts on the new short video messages feature on WhatsApp? Do let us know in the comments section below and we recommend you to stay tuned with us for more updates from the world of technology.
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