The popular mobile chipset maker Qualcomm is reportedly gearing up to launch its new mobile processor for the budget category smartphones and the upcoming chipset will be the Snapdragon 4s Gen 2. Today the important specifications of the processor appear online. So without making any further delay let’s get into the article to check out the details.
According to the latest information, the upcoming Snapdragon 4s Gen 2 will be based on a 4nm process and an octa-core CPU configuration, the processor will be coming with a clock speed (up to 2.0GHz).
The upcoming Snapdragon 4s Gen 2 is reported to feature the traditional 90Hz FHD+ display along with LPDDR4x RAM, with speeds up to 2133MHz. So let’s wait for the official launch of the mobile processor and you guys are recommended to stick with us for more updates from the world of technology.
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