The instant messaging application WhatsApp is bringing new features on daily basis and now it is reported that the company has made a couple of changes on the board. It is reported that the company has introduced redesigned context menu in the beta version of the WhatsApp desktop app and the company has also rolled out a new limit to delete the message for everyone. So without making any further delay let’s dive into the article to check out the complete details of the newly added features on WhatsApp.
WhatsApp has introduced a new context menu in the latest beta version of WhatsApp and the same can be downloaded from the Microsoft Store. It is reported that the redesigned context menu and the same will show up when you select a text in the chat text field. It also offers quick redesigned shortcuts to format the text such as bold, italic, and strikethrough.
The report also claims that WhatsApp is rolling out a new limit to delete messages for everyone. Previously the limit was 1 hour 8 minutes and 16 seconds but now users can able to delete messages within two days and 12 hours.
It is also said that WhatsApp is also working on the ability to delete any message in a group if you are the admin of that particular group.
So let’s wait for the availability of the new features in the stable version of WhatsApp and we recommend you to stay tuned with us for the latest updates from the technological world at your fingertips.
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