After launching Fitbit Sense 2, Versa 4, and Inspire 3 globally a couple of weeks ago, now the company has introduced the devices in India. The devices are coming with impressive design and heavy specifications on the board. All three devices are featuring touchscreens and colour displays. The latest Fitbit Sense 2 is capable to detect heart issues such as atrial fibrillation. So without making any further delay let’s dive into the article to check out the complete specifications along with the pricing and availability details for the Indian market.
Specifications of Fitbit Sense 2 and Versa 4
Both devices are coming with the support of Google Maps along with Google Wallet and the devices are also supporting Bluetooth calling as well. The devices are also water resistant up to 50 meters.
The devices are also coming with a Find My Phone feature and the same will enable you to find your mobile if you forget it somewhere. Both devices are also featuring inbuilt GPS and the devices are featuring a side-mounted button for navigation.
The newly announced Fitbit Sense 2 is powered by the new Fitbit OS and the same offer an always-on supported display along with more than 100 watch faces. You can also save up to 5 watch faces as well. It is also supporting Amazon Alexa as well.
The Fitbit Sense 2 also features a new Body Response sensor to track continuous electrodermal activity along with the information including heart rate, heart rate variability, and skin temperature. Depending on the Body Response notification, the device is capable to suggest different ways to manage stress. It is worth mentioning that the company has utilized a setup that will convert metal into vapour to integrate the metal electrodes of the other sensors.
It is also coming with an ECG app and the same will help you to detect heart issues such as atrial fibrillation. The device also supports a blood oxygen saturation (SpO2) monitor as well as menstrual cycle tracking. It is also capable to monitor heart-rate, a sleep tracker, and a steps counter.
While the Fitbit Versa 4 is also coming with Amazon Alexa and the device supports more than 40 exercise modes including HIIT, weight lifting, CrossFit, and dance. The device will also showcase Active Zone Minutes and the same will offer Daily Readiness Score with a premium subscription. It is also featuring 24/7 heart rate monitoring along with a blood oxygen saturation (SpO2) monitor. The Fitbit Versa 4 also supports sleep tracking and stress monitoring among others.
The Fitbit Sense 2 and Versa 4 are claimed to offer up to 6 days of battery life and both devices are compatible with both iOS and Android devices. The Android app will also offer text notifications along with glanceable alerts and smart replies.
Specifications of Fitbit Inspire 3
The Fitbit Inspire 3 is having an affordable price tag and it is also coming with features. The device is also coming with up to 10 days of battery life on a single charge as well.
The device is also featuring a colour display along with always-on support. It is also featuring Bluetooth calling support and the same also comes with a free six-months subscription to Fitbit Premium.
Pricing and availability
The Fitbit Sense 2 is priced at ₹24,999, the Versa 4 carries a price tag of ₹20,499 and the Fitbit Inspire 3 costs ₹8,999. You can able to purchase the device via Amazon India.
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