The Chinese electronics giant Lenovo has introduced its new CPU in the Chinese market and the device is dubbed the Lenovo Legion Blade 7000k 2023. The company is offering the CPU with RTX 4070 Ti graphic card along with the power of an Intel Core i7 chipset. It is also featuring RGB light as well. So let’s get into the article to check out the complete details.
The new Lenovo Legion Blade 7000k 2023 is powered by an Intel Core i7-13700KF CPU with 16 cores, 24 threads, and a 5.4GHz turbo frequency. It is also having a 12GB Nvidia RTX 4070 Ti graphics card along with 16GB of DDR5 memory, and the machine is having a 1TB SSD.
The Lenovo Blade 7000K sports a colourful logo and the machine features a windscreen at the air intake along with RGB fans, which is having a matrix cooling 5.0 Pro set up as well as a 181W CPU tower radiator.
It is also supporting SSD cooling vests in both of the motherboard slots and the company is also offering an 8-phase power supply. It is having the ability to release 253W of immediate CPU power and the machine includes four SATA extension slots, two M.2 SSD slots, four memory slots, and two M.2 SSD slots. The machine supports Wi-Fi 6 wireless and 2.5G wired network cards. An 850W full-module power supply powers the network card. It is running on Windows 11.
Pricing and availability, it is having different price tags and the top model is having a price tag of CNY 14999 and it is available in China.
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